Create or update collections and items in a specified library
post.collections = TRUE,
post.items = TRUE,
post.attachments = TRUE,
post.limit = 50,
post.token = FALSE,
force = FALSE,
silent = FALSE
- zotero
A list with information on the specified Zotero library (e.g., id, API key, collections, and items)
- post.collections
Try to copy specified collections, Default: TRUE
- post.items
Try to copy specified items?, Default: TRUE
- post.attachments
Try to copy specified extras (i.e., attachments and notes)?, Default: TRUE
- post.limit
Number of collections/items to post per request (max 50), Default: 50
- post.token
Use Zotero-Write-Token (TRUE) or If-Unmodified-Since-Version (FALSE), Default: FALSE
- force
Force is seldom wise, but sometimes..., Default: FALSE
- silent
c2z is noisy, tell it to be quiet, Default: FALSE
Please see
# \donttest{
# Connect to the public group "c2z_delete"
# NB! This process can be done using only `Zotero` (see README)
zotero <- Zotero(
user = FALSE,
id = "4988497",
api = "RqlAmlH5l1KPghfCseAq1sQ1"
# Create a new collection for POST
zotero$collections <- tibble::tibble(
key = ZoteroKey(),
version = 0,
name = "Post-test",
parentCollection = "FALSE"
# Add item to post using `ZoteroAdd` (and `ZoteroDoi`)
zotero <- ZoteroAdd(
doi = "10.1126/sciadv.abd1705"
#> Searching 1 item using DOI
# Post a DOI to the public group "c2z_delete"
post.example <- ZoteroPost(
post.collections = TRUE,
post.items = TRUE
#> Adding 1 collection to library using 1 POST request
#> Adding 1 item to library using 1 POST request
# Delete collections and items using `ZoteroDelete`
delete.example <- ZoteroDelete(
delete.collections = TRUE,
delete.items = TRUE
#> Deleting 1 collection using 1 DELETE request
—————————————————Process: 100.00% (1/1). Elapsed time: 00:00:02—————————————————
#> Deleting 1 item using 1 DELETE request
—————————————————Process: 100.00% (1/1). Elapsed time: 00:00:05—————————————————
# Print index using `ZoteroIndex`
if (any(nrow(post.example$items))) {
ZoteroIndex(post.example$items) |>
dplyr::select(name) |>
print(width = 80)
#> # A tibble: 1 × 1
#> name
#> <chr>
#> 1 Serra-Garcia & Gneezy (2021) Nonreplicable publications are cited more than r…
# }