What is c2z (Cristin to Zotero)?
The observant reader has already identified the brilliant word play on Psalm 72:8 (King James Version): “He shall have dominion also from sea to sea, and from the river unto the ends of the earth”. c2z
aims at obtaining total dominion over Cristin (Current Research Information SysTem in Norway) and Zotero. The package enables manipulating Zotero libraries using R. Import, in batch, references from Cristin, regjeringen.no, CRAN, ISBN (currently, Alma and Library of Congress), and DOI (currently, CrossRef and DataCite) to a Zotero library. Add, edit, copy, or delete items, including attachments and collections, and export references to BibLaTeX (and other formats) directly in R (see Figure 1).
Figure 1. c2z flowchart.
Who would want to use c2z?
Anyone using Zotero, or similar reference management software. However, the project is probably of extra interest to researchers, students, bibliomaniacs and others working in library-type services. Though the project is grounded in a Norwegian context (with apologizes to Åse Wetås for writing the documentation in (American) English), international publications are easily available through DOI and ISBN, and the Zotero functions are independent of acquiring metadata from external services.
Should you require a specific international/national/regional library or database, please make a request here or open a pull request. The only requirement is that the library services have open access and serve MARC 21 / DOI type metadata (or has fairly structured XML/JSON). Okay, okay, there are no requirements, I’ll look into any request and try to make it work.
What can you use c2z for?
Hoarding references in Zotero, obviously. However, c2z
also has more practical purposes, especially in combination with other packages. You are probably the right kind of weirdo (since you are reading this) and you could use c2z
to easily handle your references while writing and preparing manuscripts (e.g., papaja), or for use on a (personal) webpage (e.g., blogdown or bookdown). If you need to work for a living, or just like to show off, you could automate the publication list for your résumé (e.g., vitae). If the Man pays you to keep track of publications, you could schedule a script (e.g., cronR, taskscheduleR or Github Actions) to keep track of new publications from an institution or research group and email you (or the Man) recent publications on a monthly or weekly (or hourly) basis (e.g., emayili or mailR). If you really feel like it you could use Home Assistant to play Tina Turner - The Best (Official Music Video) whenever one of your publications is registered on Cristin.
The sky is the limit!
List of current features
- Add, edit, copy, and delete (nested) Zotero collections.
- Add, edit, copy, and delete Zotero items, including attachments.
- Export Zotero items in R as BibLaTeX (and other formats).
- Batch import common references from Cristin.
- Currently supported formats: books (e.g., anthologies), book chapters, journal articles, presentations (e.g., lectures), and opinions pieces.
- Batch import references from ISBN and DOI.
- Currently supported formats (CrossRef`): books, book chapters, conference papers, journal articles.
- DataCite references are treated as preprints and stores reference type (.e.g, dataset) as Genre.
- Batch import Norwegian white papers and official Norwegian reports.
- Batch import R packages from CRAN.
- Search CrossRef, automatically and manually, by author(s), title, and year.
- Augment Cristin references through ISBN, DOI, or CrossRef search.
- Create month-to-month newsletter for registered publications in Cristin.
The project strives at keeping the number of dependencies at a minimum. However, c2z
is highly dependent on dplyr, httr, purrr, rvest, tibble, and jsonlite.
Dependencies are automatically installed from CRAN. By default, outdated dependencies are automatically upgraded.
You probably want to access a restricted Zotero library. Please see the short tutorial on how to create a Zotero API key and how to define it in your .Renviron
You can install c2z
from GitHub. If you already have a previous version of c2z
installed, using the command below will update to the latest development version.
Development version (GitHub)
Please note that stable versions are hosted at CRAN, whereas GitHub versions are in active development.
Stable version (CRAN)
Also, please see the magnificent vignette and other documentation.
I work as an associate professor at a department of teacher education in Norway. Doing so, one of my responsibilities is surprisingly enough teaching. Even more surprising, most of the literature is in Norwegian, and in the form of monographs or anthologies. Unfortunately, Zotero is not well-adapted to importing Norwegian books through ISBN (see Figure 2). In the example below, Imsen (2020) is imported using the Zotero magic wand (left) and c2z
(right). Similarly, Zotero is unable to import Johannessen et al. (2021) using ISBN (cf. lookup failed). Evidently, Alma (47BIBSYS) is superior to Open WorldCat and similar when it comes to identifying (most) Norwegian books.
Figure 2. Zotero vs. c2z example.
The following example of c2z
addresses this issue, and the Zotero
function act as a wrapper by 1) connecting to the Zotero API, 2) creating a collection called “c2z-example”, 3) search for items using two ISBN identifiers (i.e. Imsen, 2020; Johannessen et al., 2021), 4) posting the items to the defined collection, 5) and creating a bibliography in HTML format using the APA7 reference style (could also be exported) to any supported Zotero export (e.g., BibLaTeX), and 6) cleaning up the example by deleting the collection and the two items. The R output is rather noisy and can be disabled by adding silent = TRUE
example <- Zotero(
collection.names = "c2z-example",
library = TRUE,
library.type = "data,bib",
create = TRUE,
isbn = c("9788215040561", "9788279354048"),
post = TRUE,
post.collections = FALSE,
style = "apa-single-spaced",
delete = TRUE,
delete.collections = TRUE,
delete.items = TRUE,
index = TRUE
#> Searching for collections
#> Found 0 collections
#> Adding 1 collection to library using 1 POST request
#> —————————————————Process: 100.00% (1/1). Elapsed time: 00:00:00—————————————————
#> $post.status.collections
#> # A tibble: 1 × 2
#> status key
#> <fct> <chr>
#> 1 success 5L9VIUPA
#> $post.summary.collections
#> # A tibble: 1 × 2
#> status summary
#> <fct> <int>
#> 1 success 1
#> The Zotero list contains: 1 collection, 0 items, and 0 attachments
#> Searching 2 items using ISBN
#> Adding 2 items to library using 1 POST request
#> Searching for items using 1 collection
#> Found 0 items
#> The Zotero list contains: 1 collection, 2 items, and 0 attachments
#> Deleting 1 collection using 1 DELETE request
#> —————————————————Process: 100.00% (1/1). Elapsed time: 00:00:00—————————————————
#> Deleting 2 items using 1 DELETE request
#> —————————————————Process: 100.00% (1/1). Elapsed time: 00:00:00—————————————————
#> Creating index for items
The example will yield the following HTML output:
Johannessen et al. (2021) is an interesting (well, perhaps not interesting to all people) example of the nasty business that is metadata. In Cristin the authors are listed as Christoffersen, Johannessen, and Tufte, in Alma the authors are listed as Johannessen, Christoffersen, and Tufte, whereas the book itself list the authors as Johannessen, Tufte, and Christoffersen (interesting, right?). c2z
amends the conflicting results provided by Cristin and Alma by parsing the statement of responsibility field (if it exists) in MARC 21.
Despite several innovative, creative and valiant efforts to mitigate common weaknesses in CrossRef, DataCite, MARC 21, and especially Cristin, c2z
cannot always create order in a chaotic metadata world. A major limitation of any reference management software scraping metadata through databases is poorly registered data. GIGO will happen and manual inspection is required to assure that the references are correct.
Moreover, the project stands or falls by its relationship with the API’s, meaning that c2z
is likely a high maintenance project. For instance, Cris/NVA is planned to replace Cristin during 2023, which is likely to cause some headache.
Finally (not really, there are probably several other limitations), c2z
is not built for speed. The project tries to wrangle data from strange and exotic beasts, while simultaneously hoping to avoid exploding kittens. Isolated, wrangling data from Cristin, ISBN, or DOI is not very time-consuming (though downloading the entire Cristin database (> 300 MB) and importing to Zotero will take some time). One reason is that Cristin for some reason keeps a separate table containing contributors, meaning that each reference needs two API calls. Book chapters are even more time-consuming, as Cristin also keeps the book metadata in another table, totaling four (4) API calls.
Enabling data-augmentation through DOI or ISBN demands even more API calls, and if Crossref search is enabled, with no prior identification through DOI or ISBN, the process can take a long, long time. (… and totally hammer the Crossref API, please don’t do it!). For example, downloading and converting 50 random items (n = 1600) from each of the, for now, supported Cristin categories (k = 32), takes approximately 3.12 minutes without any augmentation, 39.02 minutes with DOI/ISBN look-up, and 177.54 minutes with Crossref search enabled. Please note that run-time is dependent on bandwidth and the response-time for the API’s (Alma has especially high latency), and that c2z
uses exponential backoff depending on the API response.
Please report any bugs/issues/requests here, and feel free to make a pull request.
Coding conventions
Your R code seems to be a mash-up of different styles, not adhering to Google’s R style guide or Tidyverse’s style guide. In addition, you combine both HTML/CSS/JS and Markdown, violating the Markdown philosophy. What’s your thought on this breach of tradition?
Code of conduct
Don’t be evil. Please read the Code of Conduct
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see LICENSE for details
Henrik Karlstrøm for his work on rcristin