Create a bibliography in a newsletter format from month-to-month From either a specified unit or a set of units (e.g., A University -> Faculties -> Departments -> Groups).
unit.recursive = TRUE,
sdg.host = NULL,
sdg.batch = 20,
get.unpaywall = FALSE,
get.ezproxy = FALSE,
ezproxy.host = "inn.no",
local.storage = NULL,
style = "apa-single-spaced",
locale = "nn-NO",
start.date = Sys.Date(),
end.date = NULL,
use.filter = TRUE,
filter = NULL,
nvi = TRUE,
check.items = TRUE,
use.identifiers = TRUE,
full.update = FALSE,
lang = "nn",
post.lang = "nn",
post = FALSE,
post.only = FALSE,
silent = FALSE,
cristin.silent = TRUE,
log = list()
What Zotero library to use
What unit to search for
Find subunits of defined unit key, Default: TRUE
host conducting SDG predictions, Default: NULL
The batch size for each API call to the SDG host, specifying the number of items to be processed per request., Default: 20
Find Unpaywall resources, Default: FALSE
Use ezproxy, Default: FALSE
ezproxy host, Default: 'inn.no'
Path to local storage of collections, items and bibliography, Default: 'NULL'
Citation style to use for appended bibliography and/or citations, Default: 'apa-single-spaced'
Desired language format of bibliography, Default: 'nn-NO'
Results created from specified date (YYYY-MM), Default: Sys.Date()
Results created before specified date (YYYY-MM), Default: NULL
Filter out specific items (otherwise supported by `CristinWrangler`), Default: TRUE
Filter out specific item types, will default to item types usually associated with NVI, Default: NULL
Filter out Cristin items not 1/2 in NVI, Default: TRUE
Examine items for duplicates and multidepartemental publications, Default: TRUE
Use if ISBN/DOI identifiers if enabled, Default: TRUE
Update bibliography for all items in library, Default: FALSE
Define bibliography language (nn, nb, en), Default: 'nn'
Define language for Zotero collections (nn, nb, en), Default: 'nn'
Post new items to specified Zotero library, Default: FALSE
Post new items and nothing more, Default: FALSE
c2z is noisy, tell it to be quiet, Default: FALSE
keep queries to Cristin quiet Default: TRUE
A list for storing log elements, Default: list()
A list with bibliography and information for defined units
Used with `CristinUnits` to create month-to-month bibliography of selected units
# \donttest{
# Create monthlies for unit
example <- CristinMonthly(
id = "4827927",
api = "RqlAmlH5l1KPghfCseAq1sQ1",
user = FALSE
unit.key = "",
start.date = "2023-07",
post = TRUE,
silent = TRUE
#> Error in c2z::Zotero(zotero = zotero, collection.key = core.location, search.collections = FALSE, item.type = "-attachment || note", library = TRUE, silent = silent, force = TRUE, log = zotero$log): unused argument (search.collections = FALSE)
# Print the three first individual pages (if any)
if (!is.null(example$monthlies)) {
example$monthlies |>
dplyr::select(title) |>
print(n = 3, width = 80)
#> Error in example$monthlies: object of type 'closure' is not subsettable
# }